Mom Wombat Says Make War No More!
Mom Wombat says, “Make friends, not war!” “Try to get along, do not keep score...it doesn’t matter who has more toys, just have fun, my girls and boys. Don’t you be a bully! Not even now and then. Not even to a foe or friend!” Known as Mombat to her kids, she has plenty of ideas on how everyone can learn to get along with others and have fun. Using her wit and insightful
wisdom, Mombat aims to make the world a better place by teaching positive communication skills and the importance of friendship.
A delightful, beautifully illustrated story that promotes getting along, friendship, eliminating jealousy, and working together to achieve goals. In today's world of bullies and conflicts, it's refreshing to see a story promoting these positive behaviors in our kids.
- Derek Danziger, author of the children's book “I'm Autistic and I'm Awesome."
“Mom Wombat’s positive and uplifting wisdom about being a friend, respect and relationships meets children where they are - but includes life lessons for all ages!
—Delette Marengo, author of the popular children’s book “Pup is Up.”
"Mom Wombat Says Make War No More!” is a wonderful story that underlines one of the biggest challenges in society today. Schwartz pushes readers to think about what we have in common, how we can work and play together, and to have our hearts soar. A fantastic read for children and their parents."
-Dr. Darrin Peppard; Education Thought Leader, Author, Speaker, and Publisher
In this whimsical, but very wise book, “Mom Wombat Says Make War No More!”, children and readers of all ages are reminded that there are many positive ways to act -not just react - to difficult life situations. Phyllis Schwartz shows readers they can choose how they respond to unfairness and conflict with creative responses. As a child therapist and mother who has worked with elementary and high school peer anti-bullying programs, this book is a welcome addition for homes, school classrooms and libraries. Children who learn early to express empathy and emotional flexibility are shown to be more able to develop good relationships and social confidence. We are all empowered by choosing to respond to life’s inevitable moments of anger, hurt and disappointment with more kindness and shared solutions.
-Margaret A. Bouher, child therapist
Phyllis Schwartz introduces young readers to the impact of kindness -- to one friend, to family, to community, and to our world. How we teach our children makes all the difference and, here, life’s most important lesson is told in engaging rhymes accompanied by enchanting illustrations. Sure to become a classic classroom and bedtime read. After all, Mombat knows best!
-Susan Konig, author of Why Animals Sleep So Close to the Road and other lies I tell my children